What is Travel Defined and The Meaning of Travelling with examples

Best ways to understand what is travel meaning & how best to define it

Kshitij Thakur | New Delhi
What is Travel? The Meaning of Travelling with Examples

What is Travel

Travel Definition

Travel is defined as the act of going from one place to another place which usually requires using any mode of transportation.

We define travel as the act of moving between two places, A and B where travelling is the continuous action when you leave the point A to reach the point B.

Travel represents the act or action of travelling between two distant places.

To travel is to go to some distant place.

Travel Description

How can we best describe travel?

Travel is described as moving from one place to another distant place.

This type of movement generally requires some mode of transportation.

We travel using transportation modes like car, train, plane or ship.

So, we refer to these as travel by road, travel by rail, travel by air or travel by sea or water.

Travel Meaning

We travel to some place. This usually means to travel from one place to another.

It means movement and being on the move.

When people move from one place to another, they are travelling.

It is the complete action of moving to or travelling to your destination or to some place.

Travel means travelling.

Here the places also have importance.

Destination here means reaching some place, and not necessarily staying there for a long time.

Here, travel can be distinguished from tourism.

Because tourism means to travel to a place for leisure or relaxation and staying there for some considerable time.

Distance and destination, both, play a role here.

It can either be a destination to travel to or a distance travelled, or both.

That is why mode of travelling also is considered a factor here.

Going for a walk is not travel.

Although one can also travel by foot. However, there needs to be a destination or a place.

People have travelled by foot over long distances.

Then there is another aspect of travelling. It is referred to as commuting between two defined places on a regular basis.

Let us put some more light on and add another perspective to travelling.

People have travelled huge distances or areas without reaching any place and have not stayed.

Voyage means something like that.

Voyage is also travelling.

Travel has More Meanings

The reasons for which we travel adds more meaning to travelling.

From the explanation above, one things is now very clear that travel means having a place to go for. Having a place to go also means having a reason to go there. This means we all have our reasons to travel.

These sentences will help you understand travel and its definition and also associate it better and properly with its meaning:

  • Travel on a journey
  • Travel on a trip
  • Travel to see friends
  • Travel to meet
  • Travel time on a journey to that place

These are reasons which make people travel. And these reasons give new and different meanings to travel.

This is also why we have different reasons & ways to travel. Here are 69 types of travel people make or may love to include in their future travel plans.

Meaning of Travel with Few Examples.

We mentioned walking above as a means to travel. Let us go a little deeper into walking to understand travel.

Here are five scenarios or actions where we use the word WALK.

  • Take a walk
  • Walking on a beach
  • Take your dog to a walk
  • Go for a walk
  • Go for a walk with someone

Now, can you replace the word walk with travel and still sound appropriate, reasonable, relevant and meaningful?

Let us see. I am copying the 5 sentences and doing a simple Control H to replace walk with travel. Try reading out these five sentences loud.

  • Take a travel
  • Traveling on beach
  • Take your dog to a travel
  • Go for a travel
  • Go for a travel with someone

Two questions for you now.

Does it sound right when you speak out these sentences loud?

Does few of these sentences still mean the same.

Do you “Take you dog to a travel” every morning or evening in your locality. OR you actually “Take you dog to a walk” instead?

Does “Go for a walk” means exactly the same as “Go for a travel”?

The answer to both questions is NO!

Walk does have a destination or a place. You go for a walk means you just walk for a while and come back. Travel has a place or destination to go and walking here becomes one of the means or modes to travel to that place.

Know Travelling With Two Answers

Why Do We Travel? What Makes People Travel?

We travel for a reason and travel means travel only when there is a reason. Travel is the act of travelling. Travel is the noun referring to the activity of travelling.

There are different terms which mean or are a form of travel or involve travel. These terms are commute, travelling, business tours, being away for business, being on a holiday, trips, journey, vacation, etc.

All these terms, and there are even more, point us to different meanings and references of travel.

What most people refer travel to is tourism. In popular and general way travel means to go for a vacation, fun or leisure. This is what tourism is, an important aspect which makes travelling actually a travel.

Therefore travel has more meanings and is much more than just travel from point A to point B. Let us look at these.

  • Travel means the act of travelling
  • Travelling can be a daily routine
  • Travelling can be non-routine and for leisure purposes
  • Travelling can be non-routine and for business purposes
  • Travelling can be non-routine and for some other objective

And travel derives its true meaning when it becomes tourism. And if you did not know it is a huge industry in itself which has its roots in the desire to go places for reasons. Because of this Tourism as an industry has gained utmost importance for economies and countries, globally. Look at the key 5 importance of tourism for every country & economy.

Travelling Meaning According to Reasons To Travel

In the first of our examples for walk, we understood it does not have a place or destination or a purpose. Now let us look at different forms of travel which have purpose.

Travelling to Commute

There is a term called commute or commuting. Commute or commuting is one form of travelling which means to travel daily to work or school and back. Many of us take this type of travel in our daily lives. This is routine, this is boring, yet this is one form of travel.

Travelling for Leisure

This is what we all know and refer to as travel. This is also called tourism. Travel as tourism is defined as travelling to a distant place for fun, leisure and enjoyment. This is not routine travel. The reason why this is not routine is that we travel to different places and for different purposes for tourism.

Travelling for Business

This is called as business travel. There are several names for it like travelling for business, travel for work, official travel, official business trips, business trip, business tours, etc.

This again is not routine as we travel to different places. The purpose for such travel is business yet there could be many reasons like meeting with clients, dealers or vendors.

There is another part of business travel, is a very specialized type of travel. MICE stands for meetings, incentives, conferences, and events. MICE is three parts business travel and one part leisure travel. In MICE travel, business persons travel to attend events like meetings, exhibitions, conferences, etc. They also travel for leisure purposes in the incentive travel where companies provide their employees with group trips.

Non-Routine Travel for Other Purposes

This again comes under tourism but is not strictly holidaying, vacationing or travelling for leisure. The way to understand and know this is through the various general types of tourism like health or medical tourism, sports travel, travel for studying, travel for outstation functions or family events, travel to meet friends, travel for adventure, travel to study history or cultures, etc.

To Conclude The Meaning of Travel & Travelling

Let us leave you with a few sentences where travel is used to conclude understanding of what is travel.

  • I travelled a lot in 2019
  • I plan to travel to and experience a new country in 2020
  • One of my new year resolution for 2020 is to travel more, wherever it may take me
  • I plan to travel with my wife during the first year of my marriage
  • I am looking for a job which involves travel
  • I get so tired daily as I have to travel a lot every day for office and even have to change 2 metros and then take a bus too.
  • What is your favourite way of travelling?
  • The future project cost will have a significant amount of travel expenses

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